Over these past weeks of early Winter, Dark Days, Low Light I have had some wonderful experiences and awareness of how music and our vocal systems effect our Well Being. Throughout our lives we go through cycles of growth and regeneration, opening and closing.
We encounter the entire life cycle from birth and opening to the world through to death and the closing of the life cycle. We encounter physical challenges like sports injuries, or work-related injuries. emotional challenges in our relationships, careers, and social interactions. In all of these the initial human response is to tighten or tense up our entire muscular, skeletal, and nerve systems. In the Winter season we tend to “close up” or “shut down” which to some extent is natural for the human body
These recent weeks my interactions have spanned my friend expecting a child “Any Day”, playing with my 9yr. old Grandson, practicing music with a performing group with a 3-decade age range, leading a “Sing A Long” with elderly Early Dementia/Alzheimer’s patients, and sharing songs with a friend in “Late Life” stage. I have become intensely aware of the life cycle of opening and expanding then cycling into “shutting down” or “closing down” the body. Throughout life the basic ingredients to “Well Being” and “Life Quality with Longevity” include Diet, Exercise (Yes Use It or Loose It”), Family and Close Social Interaction.
Intricately connected to all of this great cycle is the Vocal System and how we use it and exercise it. I am finding a growing awareness of the many benefits that regular Vocalizing offer to support Well Being. Opening the vocal system, releasing stress, channeling positive energy, relaxing and aligning the skeletal/muscular structure all contribute significantly to our “Well Being”. It can be as simple as humming, singing a song, or using a regular program like Vocalize Yourself. Practice Vocalizing on a daily basis and enjoy the benefits.
Happy Winter!